
What is the recent update on food labeling regulation at Indonesia?


BPOM recently amended the previous regulation regarding Food Product Labeling Regulation (BPOM Regulation No. 31 Year 2018) through new regulation No. 20 Year 2021.

Some of the changes includes:

1. Food Products

a. Mandatory ‘not for retail sales’ note or similar notes to be put on the label for products which are sold directly to industry or any other b2b that will be processed into other food products.

b. Percentage of specific materials should be stated on the ingredient list if the materials:

– give specific identity to the products
– appears on the label as a text or pictures
– included on the product name

c. Food products that contain alcohol should state the percentage of alcohol as ‘contains alcohol ± … (v/v)’, except:

– the alcohol is not detected in the final product
– the product possesses a halal certificate

2. Food additives

a. Additive products that will be sold in retail should include below information on the label:
– “Additives” text
– additives type
– additives name
– usage limit of the additives in Processed Food

b. Auxiliary materials that are included on the food additives as processing aids should be stated in the ingredient list

c. Single Additive product that will be sold directly to industry/b2b should include below information:
– “Additives” text
– additives type
– additives name

d. Mixed Additive products that will be sold directly to industry/b2b should include below information:
– “Additives” text
– additives type

3. Halal Information

a. Indonesia’s ‘halal’ logo on food packaging is mandatory once received the certification

b. Previous point regarding acceptance of Halal logo from other countries has been removed

c. Halal certification is excluded for non-halal products

4. Allergen statement

a. There are two specific allergen information statement that can be use on the label

5. Environmental and Packaging Logo

a. Any logo related to environmental/sustainability must be accompanied by supporting data

b. Any logo related to packaging must be accompanied by supporting data

6. Vegan information requirement was removed from the regulation

7. Prohibition

– Some points are added to the prohibition section


This notification will come into force by 31st December 2021.



Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia. (2021). Changes in Regulation of Food Product Labeling (No. 20 Year 2021).