
What are the conditions for dietary fibre claims in Thailand?


According to Notification of the MOPH (No. 182) B.E. 2541 (1998) Re: Nutrition Labelling, the conditions of dietary fibre claims are as shown in Table 1 and Table 2 below.

Table 1: Conditions of dietary fibre claims per quantity of serving size in Thailand.

Nutrient Claims Conditions (Per quantity of reference serving size and quantity of serving size as displayed on Label) Additional conditions
Dietary fibre High, rich in, excellent source of The nutrient shall be of 20% and above of Thai RDI
  1. For dietary fibre, if the quantity of total fat is not conformed to the condition of “low”, the claim of dietary fibre shall accompany the displayed quantity of total fat per quantity of serving size as displayed on label by alphabets size of not smaller than half-size of the claim.
  2. Shall follow to the conditions in No. 2.2 of this Appendix.
Good source, contains, provides The nutrient shall be of 10% to 19% of Thai RDI
  1. For dietary fibre, if the quantity of total fat is not conformed to the condition of “low”, the claim of dietary fibre shall accompany the displayed quantity of total fat per quantity of serving size as displayed on label by alphabets size of notsmaller than half-size of the claim.
  2. Shall follow to the conditions in No. 2.2 of this Appendix.
Increased,  more, added,  fortified, enriched When compared to the reference food, if the nutrient content in this food is higher than in the referred food, the difference of quantity shall not be less than 10% of Thai RDI.
  1. The referred food shall be displayed.
  2. For dietary fibre, if the quantity of total fat is not conformed to the condition of “low”, the claim of dietary fibre shall accompany the displayed quantity of total fat per quantity of serving size as displayed on label by alphabets size of not smaller than half-size of the claim.
  3. Shall follow to the conditions in No. 2.2 of this Appendix.


Table 2: Conditions of dietary fibre claims per 100 g or 100 ml

Nutrient Claims Conditions
Per 100g of food (solid) Per 100ml of food (liquid)
Dietary fibre Good source, contain, provide
  • Shall not contain less than 3g per 100g of food Or
  • Shall not contain less than 1.5g per 100 kilocalories
Shall not contain less than 1.5g per 100 kilocalories
High, rich, rich in, excellent source of
  • Shall not contain less than 6g per 100g of food Or
  • Shall not contain less than 3g per 100 kilocalories
Shall not contain less than 3g per 100 kilocalories
Increased, more than, added, enriched, fortified
  1. Dietary fibre increasing from 25% and up, compared to other same food or similar food products and,
  2. The quantity of increased dietary fibre not less than 3g.
  1. Dietary fibre increasing from 25% and up, compared to other same food or similar food products and,
  2. The quantity of increased dietary fibre not less than 1.5g. per 100 kilocalories.



Ministry of Public Health Thailand. (1998). Notification of the MOPH (No. 182) B.E. 2541 (1998) Re: Nutrition Labelling.

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