
What is the process flow and suggested recipe for fruit puree?


Example Recipe for Fruit Puree

Ingredients Suggested Recipe
Frozen Fruit Puree* Aseptic Fruit Puree
Fruits 90% ~90%
Sugar 10% ~10%
Water q.s.
Citric Acid
Total 100% 100%

*Frozen Fruit Puree – usually has no added colouring and preservatives.


  1. Fruit preparation – fruit selection, washing, sorting and dicing of the fruits.
  2. Crushing – The fruit gradually passses through a crusher, a course sieve and a fine sieve.
  3. Homegenization – Crushed fruits are homogenized
  4. Pasteurization (optional)– puree can also be preserved through pasteurization at 94-96°
  5. Cooling and filling – the puree is cooled, filled and stored below freezing temperatures < -18°


Aseptic puree

  1. Fruit preparation – fruit selection, washing, sorting and dicing of the fruits.
  2. Crushing – The fruit gradually passes through a crusher, a course sieve and a fine sieve.
  3. Pre-heat treatment (Optional) – the puree is heated to 65°C. This is to ensure the best yield out and for better separation and refining processes.
  4. Filtration – Separation of black specs and fiber.
  5. Homegenization – Crushed fruits are homogenized and preserved by adding benzoic acid, sorbic acid, or other preservatives.
  6. Deaeration – the puree enters the deaerator of the aseptic unit which duty is to provide constant feeding to the aseptic unit as well as deaeration of the finished product.
  7. Sterilization – sterilization temperature for pulp depends upon the pH of the product but is estimated to be 105 – 108°C with a holding time of 30-120 seconds.
  8. Aseptic packing – the sterile product is filled under aseptic conditions into sterile packaging, hermetically closed and stored until further usage.


The Process Flow of Aseptic Fruit Puree

(FAO, n.d).



FAO. (n. d.). Technology of semi-processed fruit products.

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