
What is the minimum amount of unexpired shelf-life a product should have at the point of entry in Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia?



Sri Lanka – According to Food (Shelf Life of Imported Food Items) Regulation 2011, all imported food items should have a minimum period of 60% of unexpired shelf life when entering Sri Lanka.

Indonesia – Chapter II Article 4 on Importation Control of Drug and Food Into the Territory of Indonesia (Number 27 Year 2013) by the National Drug and Food Control Agency of Indonesia (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan – “BPOM”) states that imported products must meet the following requirements when it comes to remaining shelf-life, aka storage life:

– At least 1/3 of the storage life for drugs, traditional medicines, quasi drugs, health supplement and cosmetics

– At least 9 months before the expiry date for biological products

– At least 2/3 of the storage life for processed food

No specific regulations or guidelines were found for Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia or Thailand, other than the fact that it’s prohibited to sell expired products.



Ministry of Health Sri Lanka. (2011). Food (Shelf Life of Imported Food Items) Regulation 2011.

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia. (2013). Importation Control of Drug and Food Into the Territory of Indonesia (Number 27 Year 2013). Chapter II Article 4.

Ministry of Health Malaysia. (2017). Food Regulation 1985.

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