
What are the microbiological standard requirements for fish products in the Philippines?


According to Rules and Regulations Governing Importation of Fresh/ Chilled/ Frozen and Fishery Aquatic Products 1999 (Fisheries AO No.195), the International Health Certification shall be supported with microbiological standards, which shall not exceed indicator organisms, such as:

Total viable count – 5 x 105 per gram
E.coli – 10 to 100/gram
Salmonella – absent in 25 gram sample
Shigella – absent
Vibrio-cholerae – absent



Republic of the Philippines Department of Agriculture Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. (1999). Rules and Regulations Governing Importation of Fresh/ Chilled/ Frozen and Fishery Aquatic Products 1999 (Fisheries AO No.195).

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