
What are some ingredients that has efficient moisture retardation properties for jam fillings and biscuits?


Moisture migration in jam filling will make the biscuit soggy. Some moisture retention barriers can be used to retard moisture migration from a higher moisture content component (Jam Filling) to the biscuit to retain biscuit crispness during storage and prior to consumption.

Common ingredients for better moisture retardation in Jam fillings

Components Examples of Ingredients Functions and Mechanisms
  • Sorbitols
  • Acts as a moisture-retaining agent which avoids sugar crystallization in aqueous solutions (lower water activity of flavoured filling into biscuit).
  • Sorbitol has stabilizing and moisture-retention properties that allow it to hold and retain moisture in finished products.
Gelling Agents
  • Pectin
  • Gellan
  • In order to replace fat, these gelling agents prevent sugar crystallization and form a gel filling that helps to maintain low water activity in jam filling to preserve the crispness of the biscuit.
  • Pectins help in modifying the fluidity of the jam fillings.
  • Adding pectins when making jam or jelly also shortens or eliminates the cooking time, resulting in a fresher fruity flavour and greater yield.
  • Gellan helps by slowing down the moisture migration between jam and biscuit.
Flavouring and Acidifying Agents
  • Citric Acid
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Sets the water activity in jam filing thus preventing biscuits from losing its crispness.
  • Acid is needed for flavour and gel formation.
  • The proper level of acidity is critical for proper gel formation. Too little acidity will cause the gel to not set. If the acid content is too high, the gel will lose liquidity (Weep).

Common ingredients for better moisture retardation in biscuits

Components Examples of Ingredients Functions and Mechanisms
  • Lecithin
  • Emulsifier improves ease of extrusion and controls greasiness.
  • It increases moisture retention through water binding.
  • Xanthan Gum
  • It stabilizes at a specific range of temperature and pH 2-12.
  • It helps to maintain a sufficient moisture content in dough.



Cauvain, S. P., & Young, L. S. (2009). Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control and Effects (pp. 199-227). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

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