
What are some added ingredients that could fortify a liquid breakfast?


These are some suggestions for possible fortification of ingredients that can be incorporated into a liquid breakfast:-

  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Inulin (Prebiotic)
  • Isomaltulose
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals Functions
Vitamin A
  • Good vision.
  • Immune health.
Vitamin B12
  • Maintenance of healthy nerves and red blood cells, energy production and normal           cell division.
Vitamin D
  • Absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • Essential for healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin E
  • Acts as an antioxidant to prevent damage of cell membranes.
Folic Acid
  • Essential for cell division and correct development of tissues.
  • Protects bone and teeth.
  • Maintain body fluid levels.
  • Maintain bones health and relaxes muscles.

(Hexagon Nutrition, 2015).

Inulin (Prebiotics)

Inulin is of 100% vegetable origin as it is extracted from chicory root. It is an ideal fat replacer which allows for an easy incorporation in moist or semi-moist food categories in breakfast. Inulin is also a soluble fibre which allows for easy processing without adapting or changing product processes.

Inulin brings valuable nutritional properties as it is a soluble prebiotic dietary fibre and its prebiotic effect is one of the best researched prebiotic fibre ingredients worldwide. This prebiotic fibre inulin can help to improve our digestive system and improve the balance of the intestinal flora by stimulating beneficial bifidobacteria growth.

Furthermore, inulin has been proven to support weight management and assist the body in absorbing more calcium for stronger bones. Additionally, it also helps to reduce overall calorie intake as it only contains only 1.5 kcal per gram of caloric value.

(Beneo, 2014).


Isomaltulose is derived from sugar beet which has a sugar-like sweetness profile and provides good solubility in liquids. It also has high stability under acidic conditions, making it suitable for various beverage applications.

Isomaltulose provides full carbohydrate energy in a balanced way, resulting in a low glycaemic effect. It can be easily incorporated into liquid breakfast solutions, providing optimal nutritional value whilst maintaining taste and texture.

(Ingredients Insight, 2013).

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supports development of the brain and visual system. It is required by adults for the maintenance of proper nerve cell functions in the brain.

Inclusion of plentiful of DHA in the diet helps in improving learning ability as well. The recommended intake of DHA for healthy adults is 220mg/day. Observational studies indicate that a good source of DHA may be associated with a reduced risk for developing Alzheimer’s dementia and a slowing of normal, age-related and cognitive decline.

(EFSA, 2010).



Beneo. (2014). Matching today’s expectations. Functional fibres for better nutrition. Belgium: Author.

EFSA. (2010). Health Claims related to Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and maintenance of normal (fasting) blood concentrations of triglycerides. EFSA Journal 2010, 8 (10), 1734.

Hexagon Nutrition. (2015).

Ingredients Insight. (2013). Beneo: A Nutritional and Convenient Start to the Day with Beneo.

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