
What is the safe dosage for Inulin consumption?


Orafti® Inulin is vegetable origin which extracted from chicory root. It is a prebiotic dietary fiber that stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria associated with health and well-being.

There are a few clinical studies that consistently showed that consumption of 12g of inulin could bring beneficial effects to the human body. Excessive consumption of inulin might lead to minimal negative side effects such as laxation (EFSA, 2015).

The findings of inulin consumption with different dosage based on clinical studies are as follow:-

Reference Dosage Findings
Micka et al., 2017 4 weeks with a daily intake of 3 x 4g inulin
  • Orafti® Inulin was effective for volunteers with chronic constipation as it significantly improved bowel function
  • No volunteer  experienced gastrointestinal discomfort
EFSA, 2015 12g of inulin per day
  • EFSA’s study was based on six human intervention studies that have consistently proven that consumption of inulin increases stool frequency, thus supporting digestive health.
  • Significant results were demonstrated with a total intake of 12g of inulin per day
Slavin and Feirtag, 2011 20g of chicory inulin per day
  • Twenty grams of inulin was well tolerated, but had minimal effects on measures of laxation in healthy, human subjects.
Marteau et al., 2011 15g of chicory inulin per day
  • Daily supplementation of 15g of inulin improved constipation and quality of life in an elderly population with constipation issues
  • Slight gastrointestinal symptoms (flatulence) were reported but did not lead to discontinuation



EFSA. (2015). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a health claim related to “native chicory inulin” and maintenance of normal defecation by increasing stool frequency pursuant to Article 13.5 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal, 13(1), 3951.

Marteau, P., Jacobs, H., Cazaubiel, M., Signoret, C., Prevel, J. M. & Housez, B. (2011). Effects of chicory inulin in constipated elderly people: a double-blind controlled trial. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 62(2), 164-170.

Micka, A., Siepelmeyer, A., Holz, A., Theis, S. & Scho. (2017). Effect of consumption of chicory inulin on bowel function in healthy subjects with constipation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 68(1), 82-89.

Slavin, J. & Feirtag, J. (2011). Chicory inulin does not increase stool weight or speed up intestinal transit time in healthy male subjects. Food & Function, 2(1), 72-77.

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