
What are the labelling requirements for pre-packaged food in Thailand?


According to Notification of the MOPH (No. 194) B.E. 2543 (2000) Re: Labels, labels of foods to be sold to consumers must be expressed in Thai language alphabets, but may contain some foreign language alphabets which are acceptable. The label must be expressed of the following declarations, except for the exception from the Food and Drug Administration:

1. Name of food
2. Food serial number
3. Names and addresses of producers or re-packers of food which is produced within the country, names and addresses of importers and country of producers as the case may be.

  • For foods which are produced within the country, names and addresses of head office of producers or re-packers may be expressed instead.
4. Net weight or net volume
5. Ingredients Listing

  • Main ingredients shall be expressed by percentage of approximate weight except for the ingredients in which the Food and Drug Administration require to express by percentage of weight and shall be expressed in descending order by percentage. In case of food to be diluted or dissolved before consumption as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration, the main ingredients shall be expressed when diluted or dissolved according to preparation instruction expressed on the labels.
6. Declaration of “Utilizing preservatives” for any usage.
7. Declarations of “Natural colour” or “Artificial colour” for any usage cases.
8. Declaration of “Utilize of ………for flavour enhancer” (the blank is for the name of flavour enhancer used.)
9. Declaration of “Utilize of …… food artificial sweetener” (the blank is for the name of artificial sweetener.) by alphabets of not smaller than 2 millimeter height and colour of the text shall be highly contrast with the background of the label.
10. Declarations of “Natural flavour”, “Identical artificial flavour”, or “Artificial flavour” as the applicable case.
11. Declarations of date, month, and year of manufacture, or month and year of manufacture; date, month, and year of expiry for consumption or date, month, and year of which foods are in good qualities or standards by declaration of “produce” “expire” “consume before” as the applicable case.

  • Date, month, and year of expiration for consumption for foods which cannot be stored more than 90 days.
  • Month and year of manufacture, or date, month, and year of expiration for consumption for foods which can be stored more than 90 days.
  • Date, month, and year of manufacture and date, month, and year of expiration for consumption as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration.
12. Instruction for food storage. (If any)
13. Food preparation method for consumption. (If any)
14. Instruction for use and necessary instruction for foods intend for infant or young children or any particular group.
15. Declarations in which the Food and Drug Administration prescribed to have on prescribed food.



Ministry of Public Health Thailand. (2000). Notification of the MOPH (No. 194) B.E. 2543 (2000) Re: Labels.


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