
What are the labelling requirements for pre-packaged food in Indonesia?


According to Peraturan Label dan Iklan Pangan (Nomor 69 Tahun 1999), any statements on the label shall be written or printed by using Indonesian language, Arabic numbers and Latin letters. The label shall contain information at least:

1. Name of product
2. List of ingredients
3. Net weight or net contents
4. Name and address of any party who produces or imports the food into Indonesian territory
5. Date, Month and year of minimum durability

  • Date, month and year of minimum durability shall be placed after the “Baik Digunakan Sebelum”
  • In the case the food product have a shelf life more than 3 (three) months, it is allowed to only mention expire month and year.

Other labelling information on the prepackaged food are as following:

1. Food registration number (ML – additional packaging without remove original packaging; MD- Repack)
2. Food production code
3. Nutrition content

  • With nutrient declaration for any food containing vitamins, minerals, and or other added nutrient
  • Required by virtue of the provisions in applicable rules and regulation in the field of the food quality and food nutrition, shall be enriched with vitamin, mineral and or other nutrient.
4. Food Irradiation and genetic engineering (if applicable)
5. Natural based synthetic food (if applicable)
6. Procedure for preparation and or usage
7. Procedure of storage or needs special storage, direction for storage procedure



Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia. (1999). Peraturan Label dan Iklan Pangan (Nomor 69 Tahun 1999).

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