
What are ingredients that can be masked bitter test in a rose jam?


As rose petals contain a bitter taste, it might be necessary to add extra sweetness to compensate for this bitterness (Hull, P). Glucose and fructose syrup can be used for extra sweetening purposes. Normally, the sweetness of glucose syrup increases as the DE value increases. For example, the sweetness profile for the blending of fructose syrup with 63 DE glucose syrup can be close to sucrose (Varzakas et al., 2012).

At the base of the rose petal is a small white patch called the “nailes”. It should be removed as it will add a bitter taste to the final product. On top of that, the petals should be rinsed thoroughly with cool running water and allowed to air dry, before being cooked.



Hull, P. (2011). Glucose Syrups: Technology and Applications (pp. 207-209). UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Varzakas, T., Labropoulos, A. & Anestis, S. (2012). Sweeteners: Nutritional Aspects, Applications and Production Technology (pp. 162-167). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

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