
How hygroscopic is aspartame? Will its quality be affected if stored in temperature around 35 – 40 Celsius?


Generally, aspartame is hygroscopic and needs to be stored in temperatures below 20°C to prevent the forming of dust clouds. Aspartame must not be left exposed to relative humidity greater than 45%. Conventional aspartame might be capsulated with other functional ingredients or various techniques employed to improve its hygroscopicity (Rocha-Selmi et al., 2013; Niu Tang, 2007; European Pharmacopoeia Commission, 2005).



European Pharmacopoeia Commission. (2005). European Pharmacopoeia (pp.1028-1029). Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe.

Niu Tang. (2007). Material Safety Data Sheet Aspartame. Changzhou: Author.

Rocha-Selmi, G., Bozza, F., Thomazini, M., Bolini, H., & Fávaro-Trindade, C. (2013). Microencapsulation of aspartame by double emulsion followed by complex coacervation to provide protection and prolong sweetness. Food Chemistry, 139(1-4), 72-78.

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