
Please advise HLB value of sucrose ester and hydrolyzed soy lecithin.


By varying the degree of esterification of the sucrose molecule, it is possible to obtain emulsifiers with HLB (Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balance) values ranging from 1 up to 16 for high mono-esters (FDA, 2014). NPCS Board (2013) mentioned that available grades of sucrose esters covers the range of HLB values from 2 to 15, and this wide range of values is obtained by varying the monoester content from 10 to 70%. Therefore, a high HLB emulsifier is suitable for use in an oil-in-water emulsion whereas a low HLB emulsifier is used in a water-in-oil emulsion.

On the other hand, the approximate HLB values for hydroxylated soy lecithin ranges from 9 to 12 (Farr & Proctor, 2013; Berg + Schmidt, n.d.).



Berg + Schmidt. (n.d.). Functional Lipids.

Farr, W., & Proctor, A. (2013). Green Vegetable Oil Processing (pp. 111-115). Urbana, Illinois: Elsevier.

FDA. (2014). GRAS Notification for Sucrose Fatty Acid Esters (GRN No. 514).

NPCS Board. (2013). Confectionery Products Handbook (Chocolate, Toffees, Chewing Gum & Sugar Free Confectionery) (pp. 271-273). Delhi: Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.

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