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Reimagining the Mantou: Enhanced Nutrition in Frozen Steamed Buns!

Chinese Steamed Bread (CSB), commonly referred to as mantou, is a fermented and steamed wheat-based delicacy, celebrated for its unique cultural attributes. Crafted from a simple mixture of wheat flour, yeast, and water, CSB is notable for its high glycaemic index, which has been linked to an increased risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. While frozen preservation can extend the shelf-life of CSB by up to six months, it may also lead to a decline in quality due to staling. To prevent this, food additives like natural polysaccharides, soluble dietary fibre, and emulsifiers can be added to CSB to soften, delay staling, ensuring a longer shelf life. This method can also help producers minimizing economic losses.

Get to Know the Chinese Steamed Bun (Mantou)

Steamed buns are available either fresh or frozen, or processed with varying stuffing and flour type. The frozen steamed bun segment is growing

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