
Please advise Indonesia regulatory requirements to export biscuits made in Malaysia into Indonesia. Is there any halal requirement from MUI on all ingredients used must with Halal certificate from MUI?


1) Import requirements:

According to the Indonesian ‘Pemberlakuan Standar Nasional Indonesia Biskuit Secara Wajib’, biscuits either manufactured or imported to Indonesia is mandatory to comply with the Standar Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Standards or ‘SNI’) on biscuits (SNI 2973:2011).

Sertifikat Produk Penggunaan Tanda SNI Biskuit (SNI Marking/ SNI Product Certificate or SPPT-SNI Biscuit) shall be issued by Lembaga Sertifikasi Produk (Institute of Product Certification or ‘LSPro’) to manufacturers that comply with requirements of SNI on biscuits.

Products with Harmonize System (HS) Code as below is mandatory to apply SNI on biscuits (SNI 2973:2011):

No. Product description HS Code
a. Sweet biscuits (Biscuits, Crackers, and Pies) not containing cocoa Ex. 1905.31.10.00
b. Sweet biscuits (Biscuits, Crackers, and Pies) containing cocoa Ex. 1905.31.20.00
c. Wafers Ex. 1905.32.00.00
d. Other unsweetened biscuits (Biscuits, Crackers, and Pies) Ex. 1905.90.20.00
e. Other sweet biscuits (Biscuits, Crackers, and Pies) Ex. 1905.90.90.00

Companies producing or importing biscuits as referred to table above are mandatory to apply SNI on biscuits (SNI 2973:2011) by:

1. Obtaining SPPT-SNI Biscuit and,

2. Including SNI mark on each pack of biscuits at an easy-to-read place and by way of marking which is not easily removed in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations


Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia. (2015a). Pemberlakuan Standar Nasional Indonesia Biskuit Secara Wajib (Nomor 60/M-IND/PER/7/2015).

Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia. (2015b). Perubahan Peraturan Menteri Perindustrian Nomor 60/M-IND/PER/7/2015 Tentang Pemberlakuan Standar Nasional Indonesia Biskuit Secara Wajib (Nomor 96/M-IND/PER/11/2015).

2) Halal:

According to the List Of Approved Foreign Halal Certification Bodies issued by LPPOM MUI, LPPOM MUI recognizes halal certificates issued by approved halal certification body only for products produced in the country where the halal certification body is located.

For example, one of the recognized Halal Certification Bodies is JAKIM, and JAKIM is located in Malaysia. MUI will thus only recognize the Halal Certificate from JAKIM if the product is produced in Malaysia.

However, in order to use an Halal logo on the packaging of the product sold to consumers, permission has to be obtained by LPPOM MUI by submitting an application. During this application, JAKIM Halal certificates of the ingredients can be used. Once the Halal approval of the finished product is completed, MUI logo can be used on the packaging of the biscuits.


Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan Obat obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI). (2019). List Of Approved Foreign Halal Certification Bodies.

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