
Please advise the regulation of inulin in Indonesia, such as the approved health/nutritional claim, maximum dosage in food and supplement, classification of inulin (whether food ingredient or active ingredient), any restriction in fortification and etc. Also, please advise whether “prebiotic” can be claimed in Indonesia and whether calcium claim can be used for Synergy1?


According to Peraturan Pengawasan Klaim Dalam Label Dan Iklan Pangan Olahan (Nomor HK. Tahun 2011), inulin can be placed under the category of other functions claims and disease risk reduction claims as per the following:

All products including products that contain active ingredients like inulin must be registered with the Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) accordingly.

According to Peraturan Pengawasan Klaim Dalam Label Dan Iklan Pangan Olahan (Nomor HK. Tahun 2011), prebiotic claim is not allowed for inulin and calcium absorption claim is also not allowed for inulin-oligofructose mixture. Pre-approval of the claims from BPOM is needed.



Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia (2011). Peraturan Pengawasan Klaim Dalam Label Dan Iklan Pangan Olahan (Nomor HK. Tahun 2011).

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